Outlet Pack – GPO’s, Data Outlets & TV Outlet
Revit version: 2020
- Parametric with standard AU sizes included
- Adjustable length, width, symbol fill & label (symbol fills & label adjusted in instance parameters)
- Both face hosted (FB) and wall hosted (WB) family options
- Symbol visibility can be controlled through detail level – set to appear only on ‘Fine’
- Standard RevitLibraryAU White material applied
Families included:
- Single GPO
- Double GPO
- Double GPO with USB-C
- Double GPO with USB-A
- Single Data Outlet
- Double Data Outlet
- TV Antenna Outlet
Category: Electrical
Total file size: 7.02 mb (~ 500kb per family)
Family version & date: 1.0 | 25/10/2024
Latest release notes: n/a
By purchasing this family you agree to our terms and conditions
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