
The team at Revit Library is passionate about developing high quality, balanced families for every day use in your projects. We are active in Australian project work with experience documenting architecture and interiors across several sectors, and we understand the need for brilliant metric content. All families are currently built in 2020, with the exception of a few in 2022 due to upgraded Revit features.

Questions, support and request a family – hello@revitlibrary.com.au

Our Families Philosophy

Revit families are a core component of documentation – the goals of both go hand in hand.  A great deal of time goes into creating quality families, or cleaning up families downloaded to be made suitable for documentation.  We are driven to create quality parametric content for everyday use. Rather then spending thousands on a package of families you may not need, our content is available individually for purchase and download on demand.

We believe families should be:

  • Symbolic – families should clearly and succinctly represent objects that will be scheduled and manufactured
  • Efficient – well made families will contain all you need to help you draft efficiently
  • Clean – families should be free from unnecessary and confusing parameters, linework and nested objects
  • Consistent – family presentation and notation needs to be kept consistent across the board
  • Balanced – families need to be functionally balanced to keep the project file efficient

Revit Library families are created with these principles in mind.  Our families are designed to succinctly represent what you schedule.  We hope the experience and work we put into creating these families helps you to document cleaner, faster and easier.